You know that new rule that says a player has to slide into second and try to stay on the base? Jose Bautista did that yesterday in the bottom of the ninth. BUT the umpires, EXPANDING on the new written rule also determined that Bautista dragged his arm toward the shortstop on a double play that would have ended the game and called interference on Bautista.
That's NOT what the rule is for or states. The umps should be fired and the commissioner should apologize to the Jays fans. Bautista did everything within the rules. The umps did not. IF they watched the replay in slow motion, and they really shouldn't on plays of this nature, they could see Bautista reaching his arm out WHILE sliding toward AND STAYING ON the base. HE DID EVERYTHING A PLAYER SHOULD DO.
BASEBALL just got worse. Football is officially, now the better sport.
The Vikings start in late August.
The void begins again.
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