Saturday, February 10, 2018


What's my beef?

I hate judging events in any sport, but the winter events are the worst.


Ski jumping. You would think that the guy that jumps the farthest would be the winner right? I mean that would make perfect sense. Form and how you land should have nothing to do with it.

I mean THINK about it. People with the best form and landing would consistently be the best jumpers. That's how you would be able to jump that far in the first place. But leave it to the winter sports to screw up something so easy to determine the winner.

They have judges determine who was BETTER LOOKING jumping a certain distance.

Imagine men's long jump in the Summer Games being determined the same way. "Yeah, Sid, he might have jumped farther than anyone in the history of mankind, but he didn't stick his landing, so that's going to cost him the gold..."

Winter Games? Winter Shame is more like it.

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