The WWE is scrambling a bit. They recently signed new television contracts for their most popular shows, RAW, and Smackdown. And make no mistake, those were record money deals for both.
The problem is the ratings for those two shows are down significantly. Most fans see the problem with the writing, but can't agree on the best way to fix it.
Vince's answer?
Bring in a new monster.
Lars Sullivan certainly fits the bill. At 6 foot three and weighing in at an incredible 330 pounds, the guy looks unbelievable. He's been featured on their NXT show the last couple of years, gaining experience. Personally, I think he's got a huge upside.
But so did all of the other performers they brought up from NXT the last few years.
Most have bombed on the bigger shows.
I do not blame the performers. I blame Vince and the writers.
You can't bring someone up and book (write) them like they are no big deal. It doesn't work. And a huge push for a month isn't the same as promoting them. Vince is still pushing established older stars like they are best he has to offer.
And fans have responded to that. The older guys are great. The newer guys are not.
The secret to successful writing in wrestling is to know that all wrestlers have a shelf life. If they are around too long, they get stale. And Vince's product today is as stale as it has ever been. The only thing that makes it worse is having authority figures that run the show as the bad guys.
That idea may have been fresh once. Now it merely stinks.
NXT is great because they have new top guys all the time. The bigger shows never get rid of the older guys. They no longer are just stale, they are starting to stink as well.
Why would anybody watch a show that stinks?
There's your ratings problem.
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