I'm not sure how any of this works, and I don't care enough to look into it, but if these women are getting paid to play soccer, and they are demanding "equal pay for equal work," who is their employer? And how did they get to represent the USA and use the "USA" name for their team?
SOMEONE put them together. Is it a foundation? Is it a charitable corporation? Do they license (pay for) the name USA? Is it just a regular corporation who steals the name USA to get free support from U.S. fans?
In other words did they just make this all up to make money as pro athletes and get fan support?
Shouldn't they be talking to whoever those people are to get raises? How do you demand equal pay when your merely a cog in a very large entertainment universe. I mean the men's USA basketball team are largely professional NBA players who donate their time, and have their expenses paid while representing the USA.
Is THAT what they want?
If it's their JOB to represent the USA, are they paid by the state or federal government? I don't think that's the case.
Then why are they team USA and why are they getting paid in the first place?
Do they work as pros for other teams when they aren't in the World Cup? And if not, why do they get to compete with other teams from other nations who do not have full-time jobs doing this? Is that even fair? Are they simply buying championships? Do they demand that other World Cup players from all the other teams get equal pay to what they get?
Do all of them want the same amount of pay, or do some of the "stars" want to get paid more money than their teammates? Is that fair? Or should they all get paid differently based on what they are worth to the team or the sport, based on how much revenue they bring in based on popularity and the amount of corporate and ad sponsorship?
And if that is the case, does this sport bring in as much money as the men's World Cup? And if they don't, why should they make as much money?
IF they are bringing in as much or more money than the men's team, they should be making as much or more money than them. Sports is entertainment. And you get paid based on what your bosses/owners/handlers/ the people who sign you paychecks say that your worth. Most sports have deals with owners and get a certain percentage of the revenue they make.
BUT this is different because you don't really have an owner. You're playing for a made up profit making organization (much like the Olympics) and pretending that you have value in the real world.
Equal pay depends on the organization you work for. Get the money from them, or find another organization who will pay you more.
Women tennis players work far less and have equal pay. Maybe it's time for the men to start protesting there.
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