Monday, February 23, 2015

Hollywood's Elitists

I'm surprised the Oscars are still relevant and one of the most watched shows on television. It's not really a "best of" celebration as it is an elitist bunch of Hollywood people who work in the industry promoting the types of movies THEY like. You know, the movies that very few people see, and even fewer people care about.

In a society where practically everyone has a blog or Facebook page to voice THEIR opinion, why do they even remotely care about someone else's?

IF a requirement for watching the Oscars was that you had to SEE even 20% of the movies nominated, NO ONE would qualify to watch. Even those who DO VOTE on the winners frequently don't see many of the movies.

So what you have is a bunch of people watching a show about movies they will never see, voted on by a bunch of people who have never seen the movies either.

How can movies that generate so very little interest be declared "the best"?

Like all awards shows, I skipped this one.

If the primary reason YOU watched it was to see Neil Patrick Harris in his underwear or women in their dresses, I'll give you a pass. I don't understand that, but I know reality shows are popular for the same reason. But why do so many other people watch?

Me? I discovered some new channels on my TV last night. Antennae TV and ME TV has been joined by the Heroes and Icons channel. My wife and I got to see the first eposode of Wild Wild West with Dr. Lovelace in it. I was amazed at how talented Michael Dunn was in his role.

Then we watched Public Television the rest of the night.

We're elitists ourselves, in our own way. It's just that we watch GOOD stuff...

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