Thursday, June 27, 2013

Murder, Attempted Murder, and the NFL

Aaron Hernandez was released by the New England Patriots yesterday after he was officially charged with the murder of his friend. Police have been concentrating on Hernadez as the main suspect since his friend was found dead.

Not to be outdone, the Cleveland Browns released linebacker Ausar Walcott yesterday after he was charged with attempted murder because of a beating he gave to man outside of a local nightclub.

The NFL is a violent sport. It attracts violent men. The ones who seem to have the MOST problems are also those who are attracted to late night clubs and freely flowing alcohol.

The NFL is always checking for illegal and/or banned drug use. Maybe it's time they started giving their players regular sobriety tests as well. Those who have a problem should not be playing in the NFL.

I've harped on DUIs by drunken athletes for years and years now. The NFL has had 28 of its players arrested since the Super Bowl. Nearly every case involves heavy alcohol use/abuse.

There is a prime suspect in all of this and maybe it's time that the NFL do something about this suspect.  Test for alcohol dependency and treat this problem like they treat every other drug problem. If players can be banned from the sport for using LEGAL  over-the-counter drugs, surely they can ban them when alcohol rehab is not successful or if players refuse it.

The NFL has a dirty image and it's not just performance enhancing drugs that are the problem. Just ask Hernadez and Walcott. They'll tell you.

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