Not a lot happened in the world of sports yesterday.
I noticed that the Patriots are thinking about giving Tim Tebow a job, though I'm not sure what he'd do there since he says he still wants to be a quarterback. Last I looked, they already had a pretty good QB and I don't think he'll retire just to make room for Tebow...
I want to comment on the MLB drug "scandal" that's brewing down in Miami but at this point until somebody actually DOES something instead of just posturing, I don't really have a lot to say. My only question at this point is, "Were the people running that sports clinic doing something illegal or we're they merely giving/ accused of giving their clients something that is against MLB rules?"
My point to that question is basically, "What right does one private organization have to poke it's nose into another private organization's business?" And if the local or even federal officials get involved do THEY have the right to get involved IF nothing illegal was going on?
And why aren't any of these records considered confidential?
We are losing rights and liberties like crazy in this country and the only picture most people can seem to see is that some ball players may be doing something they shouldn't and that everyone has a right to know their business.
If what the clinic is doing is illegal, go for it. If it's not, then I'm not sure why they have a "right" to be nosy. After seeing that the government now has rights to access any phone call I've ever made on a cell phone without a warrant, I'm getting more worried that government is now much scarier than it used to be or should be.
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.
Ben Franklin
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