Saturday, September 13, 2014

More Scandal

I'm going to make this short and sweet.

Spanking a child in a loving home environment that includes teaching proper behavior, and  no raised voices, should be an option for good parents.

Adrian Peterson, from all police reports, and two doctors opinions, BEAT his child after yelling at him. He is not a good parent.

If you don't know the difference between these two things I can't explain it to you. I'll just use this analogy: holding a child under water until he drowns is not teaching him to swim.

You cannot be a part-time dad, having children from several women, and expect to do whatever you want to do to those children when you have them in your care and call it "loving discipline". Not if it includes lacerations and bruises over much of the child's body.

Someone needs to teach this to Adrian Peterson.

While he is in jail the next 10 years or so.

I applaud the Vikings and their decision.

I honestly don't know what the normal legal punishment is in such a crime as this, but I do know that this crime should cost Adrian Peterson his job while he's serving his sentence.

I know personally that I don't want to see him rushing up the middle in a Vikings uniform ever again.

And from the sound of things, I'm not alone in that.

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