Thursday, September 11, 2014


I find it impossible to watch ESPN shows right now. Every reporter and commentator is weighing in on every scandal imaginable. The Ray Rice domestic violence incident in the elevator (that both he and his NOW wife, no longer fiance, have long since settled), the Roger Goodell "coverup" of the incident by supposedly lying about when he saw the latest tape, The National Organization of Women demanding a federal probe into not just the Rice incident but ALL violence incidents against women that has been covered up by the NFL and Goodall, and of course, the people who think everyone is overeacting to everything just because they now have the spotlight on them, has become 24-hours of nonstop blather on all the sports channels.

And then there is the NBA, the owner of the Hawks is now appearing to be racist (he "reported" himself to league officials) so that the NBA will be "forced" to make him sell his team because he saw how much money Donald Sterling got when he was forced to sell the Clippers. And then there is the real racism of the same organization when their GM and former player, Danny Ferry, got in hot water for publicly stating at a press conference that the reason they didn't select a certain player when given the opportunity to do so was because he, "had a little too much African in him." He then went on to "clarify" what that meant by that, to the abject horror of everyone watching him. What's worse is that he appeared to be reading the official organization's notes on the matter.

I'm so isolated living in Podunk, Minnesota that all of this stuff is just mind-numbing. I've always maintained that people are generally stupid, and that rule applies to everyone including myself, but it now seems that everyone is anxious to show everyone just how stupid they truly are. Be it media outlets for professionals, or social media like this one, public stupidity is now being demonstrated at an unbelievable rate.

Sadly, I think this is just the tip of the iceberg. It's going to get far worse, and the people demanding "justice" the most will be the next ones to have the skeletons in their respective closets revealed.

You see, the more YOU speak, the more people will see YOU for who you truly are.

I think I'll stop talking now.

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