A story leaked yesterday that said the NFL lied to Adrian Peterson about how long he would be suspended. They told him it would be "two games," and then decided to pull a fast one and made it longer...
.... actually that HAS BEEN the story all along.
I've detailed this in earlier blogs. You see, the league really wanted Adrian to show up for that Friday meeting and demonstrate his remorse FOR REAL (or at least pretend well) BEFORE ANY PENALTY WAS HANDED DOWN.
In typical arrogant Adrian Peterson style, Adrian blew them off. As a result they were forced to take a hardline approach and go with the stricter penalty. That phone call that everyone is talking about had the whole plan detailed. Two games BUT it all revolved around that ONE pre-hearing meeting.
The league gave Adrian an "out," a way to save face, in a private meeting with league officials before anything official was to take place. Their thinking was that it could be settled quietly and privately. His lawyers and the union screwed up so badly by telling him not to go.
And now we have this mess.
Adrian was stupid and continues to be stupid, and the longer this drags out, the less value he, his name, and his image have. I said this once and it bears repeating, he told his son, when he beat him, to take his punishment like a man and to quit squirming.
It's time for Adrian Peterson to do the same thing. THAT WILL SHOW EVERYONE THE REMORSE THEY ARE LOOKING FOR. Thanking the league for giving him a second chance would be the icing on the cake.
But Adrian just keeps on squirming. Those whoopings that he received as a small child didn't teach him anything. In fact, they made him into the man he is is today.
And that man is not honorable. Those that don't see it that way are not honorable either.
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