I know I've been harping on horse racing a lot the last few years, but yesterday was a good example of my disgust with the "sport." Yesterday TWO horses died in races before the Preakness at Pimilco Park.
Sadly, these are not isolated incidents. Thousands of horses die every single year in horse racing. These deaths are par for the course. If any other "sport" had this kind of death rate we'd be appalled, yet we all turn a blind eye to it all because of America's fascination with the Triple Crown and gambling.
I've never been a huge animal rights advocate, but I don't think any group of animals should be treated this way. It's just not right. The very act of running these animals, this fast, this long produces these deaths. The very act of racing is killing theses animals.
We've got to think of a better way. Hopefully the media FINALLY reporting these deaths will wake more people up. It is a big deal.
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