Wednesday, December 21, 2016

How Does One Stay A Minnesota Sports Fan?

There are four major league sports teams in Minnesota. No, the Lynx don't count. And the Wild play ice soccer, so there's no reason to watch that one. Even ESPN ranks the NHL behind soccer and the men's NCAA scores on their main menu.  It's on a sub-menu and you have to look for it. ESPN is acknowledging  that hockey fans are few and far between.

That leaves us with the Timberwolves, the Vikings, and the Twins.

Really, does anyone look forward to any of their games or seasons?

The Vikings collapse would be considered legendary by national sports commentators, but for us who grew up here, we call it Wednesday. We know that any day of the week, all year long, we are going to have all of our franchises disappoint us on a regular basis.

That's who we are.

I would sigh, but I just don't have the energy this morning.

The Wild are having an excellent season so far. They're second in their conference. BUT, they're behind the Blackhawks. They're ALWAYS behind the Blackhawks. Even if you LIKE Hockey, you know this and and accept this.

The Wild are Minnesotan. They will always be second fiddle in a largely uninteresting orchestra that calls itself the NHL. You just can't dress up soccer in skates and make it interesting.

One plus for the Wild? They are more interesting than the Lynx.  The ESPN sub-menu hierarchy tells us that.

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