Monday, May 29, 2017

It's Time To Make A Change

Really, who wants to watch a  6 1/2 hour baseball game?

I'd be writing these same words today even if the Twins won yesterday. But seriously, who wants these extra-inning heartbreaking losses?

Certainly not the fans at the ballpark. Most had left by the 11th inning. By the end of the game, I thinks the players' wives and kids had left, too. There was this one guy, but I think he had the keys to lock up the place...

I'm willing to bet there weren't more than a handful of fans nationwide who watched the whole game. The players didn't want to be there any more. They looked dead.

The bullpens don't need to be taxed like that. A game that long, in the modern era, should no longer exist. It's time to give both teams a couple of more innings and to call the thing a tie when the score is tied after eleven innings.

I wouldn't even mind seeing games end after nine.

In a 162 game season, there are more than enough opportunities to win other games. NO ONE BENEFITS FROM THEM.

I don't know why the player's association doesn't step in for a rules change. Losing a game like this is far worse than splitting a double-header. It's time to give both the fans and the players a break.

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