The NFL has hit upon an ingenious plan. To determine a baseline test
level for future HGH testing in NFL players, the NFL is going to (ON
PURPOSE!) administer HGH to FORMER NFL players.
100 former players will take part in the test and only 2/3 of them will actually get the drug. The other 1/3 will get a placebo.
isn't HGH use illegal you may ask? The answer to that, as I've said all
along, is no. Many people take HGH regularly to help in rehabilitation
and to simply feel better.
But isn't HGH DANGEROUS you
may ask? Again, as I've explained previously on many occasions, not only
isn't it dangerous, at doctors recommended doses and under their care,
it has no serious side-effects and actually physically helps nearly all
who take it. It's possible that if you take it from a very early age
that long-term use may cause some hormone side-effects, but as far as I know, no real studies have been done in that area,
My guess is when the test is over, the placebo group
will ask THEIR doctors to get them on HGH too so that they can get all
the benefits that their HGH-taking counterparts will be getting FROM the
Another guess is that those who are taking it for the test will continue to use it long after the testing is done as well.
the NFL will be producing in these tests will be 100 disciples who will
now proclaiming how wonderful HGH is. In fact, instead of stopping HGH
use in NFL players it will have jut the opposite effect in the long run.
The HGH stigma will be lost when people from every walk off life start
taking it to become healthier and to start feeling younger again because
of this NFL testing.
There's a reason clinics like Biogenesis exist. Their
patients, not just professional athletes, receive new leases on life by
taking HGH.
I'll be curious as to the results of this NFL administered test.
are all willingly allowing themselves to be given drugs that the NFL
tells players they should not use. If the results to players health
becomes as good as previous tests have shown, I'll bet MOST former NFL
players will start taking it. In might even become part of their health
benefit package PAID FOR by the NFL.
Imagine that. The NFL
providing HGH to all former NFL players to help in the recovery of
their tough long-term NFL year injuries. The only stipulation is that
they not use it while they are actively playing so that they don't
recover from injuries too fast or feel better because of the rugged NFL
Imagine players retiring early so that they can start taking their HGH for lingering injury problems.
The NFL is opening a huge can of worms. Or a Pandora's box if you
prefer. Either way, they currently have no idea what the long-term
effects of all of this will be.
Imagine if you are a
recently retired person seeking to feel better from life-long injuries
or your body is simply wearing out. You can hear how good former NFL
players are doing by the NFL HGH tests they received and now YOU start
asking YOUR doctor if HGH would be right for YOU.
This is a scene that's going to be replayed over and over again
in clinics and hospitals across the world from the moment the test
results are released. And you'll have the NFL commissioner to thank for all of this.
And HGH will become part of nearly every athlete's regimen within a decade.
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