Saturday, February 16, 2013

Spoiled LeBron

Michael Jordan recently stated that greatness in players should be determined by titles won, not individual accomplishments and stats.

LeBron James came out strongly against that statement yesterday. He was especially offended by Michael saying he'd take Kobe over Lebron because Kobe has FIVE titles and LeBron has only ONE.

LeBron's point was that Bill Russell won ELEVEN titles and he said that Bill wasn't better than Michael who only had SIX.

My Take: The point Michael was trying to make (and that LeBron missed completely) is that it takes a long HISTORY of championship success to define greatness. LeBron has a huge chip on shoulder, and until he wins that NBA title at least three times, he will always have that chip. He's in a great situation on the Heat right now. He has teammates that can get him a few more titles, BUT until he gets those titles, he should really shut up and let his playing do the talking.

You know like the greatest of all-time, Michael Jordan ALWAYS did.

(Except for Wilt, of course.)

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