Saturday, April 20, 2013


Finding the second suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing was way more important than anything that happened in sports yesterday. Go law enforcement!!!!

Of course, if you are a Minnesota sports fan, not a lot has happened in the last several days because northern climate teams refuse to put roofs on their baseball fields. IF the Twins were going to be contenders this season, these bad weather games would really bother me. It just means that in a close race, ALL your free dates at the end of the season, you know, the ones that you NEED to rest up because of baseball's grueling schedule, will be filled with make-up games, destryoing your pitching staff just before the playoffs start.

BUT, it could be years before the Twins have to worry about such a situation so, right now, it's no big deal. But someday all of these cold outs, rainouts, snow-outs, and bad weather in general WILL catch up with us. They will affect winning, they will affect attendance, and they will make professional baseball in Minnesota less successful.

All of this just so a few die-hard Twins outdoor weather fans can enjoy outdoor baseball while soaking up the sun's cancer giving rays.

Give me a regularly scheduled game everyday of the season instead.

Speaking of weather. I'm starting to think high school baseball and softball in Minnesota are getting started a little late this year. Sleepy Eye Public will be out for the year in just a little over a month, and there's STILL foot-high drifts on the warning track at Sleepy Eye ballpark.

Weather shouldn't have the same effect on PROFESSIONAL baseball.

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