Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wolves and Wild

I know the Wolves are young, but I think I'm going to wait until they're a lot older before I watch another one of their games. Denver is not a very good team either, but they didn't have any problem last night beating the Wolves.

One bright spot? Because the Wolves were losing badly most of the night, and because all major network shows are basically in rerun, I decided to watch some Wild hockey last night. I watched most of the third period, and, as usual, didn't see one goal. They had 6 before I started watching. So there's that. Hockey is just hard to watch. Lots of movement. Little actual achievement. And if a goal is scored, you're usually out in the kitchen making a snack when it happens.  You don't build toward scores in hockey. They just happen. But usually it's just a lot of movement without anything happening.

1 comment:

  1. Good thing you had fresh-baked cookies to dull the pain of a boring sports night.
