I just love how American media treats rioting and peaceful protests the same exact way. A BLACK police officer killed A BLACK man in an apartment complex parking lot on Tuesday night and rioting and looting broke out shortly thereafter.
I'm not even going to question the mindset of this. We, as a society, have now determined that this is acceptable, NORMAL behavior, ignoring the fact that if anyone else did this worldwide we'd consider it uncivilized.
Why is this happening? Even the people doing it, when interviewed, can't give any kind of consistent answer.
And now the Vikings game WILL be played there today because city officials have declared it "safe."
You see, they've hired "extra security."
Until government officials in this country, of all colors and creeds, declare this type of activity "criminal," and treat it as such, it's only going to get worse. The legal protests are being used as a smokescreen by lawless dissenters to do whatever illegal activity they want. And they are getting away with it.
Peaceful legal protests are one thing. And it is their right. Anything else should be treated differently.
I'm going to declare it something else. These are domestic acts of terrorism. The perpetrators and their leaders should be treated as such.
I don't see how these situations are any different than the Oklahoma City bombings. No one has been killed yet, but it won't be long. This is violence for the sake of violence. It is done by motivated, misinformed, parties with deep seeded political agendas. It's our own local home-gown version of ISIS.
And we're letting it happen.
Somehow we think this type of reaction is understandable. It's time for us to start thinking more clearly and to start acting more decisively. Hillary and Donald should both get on the same page here. And Colin Kaepernick and all of HIS follows and imitators should do the same thing. Rioting is not going to bring about positive results. Looting is not going to bring us closer together as people. It's only going to bring about a larger divide in an ever growing schism of radical, untempered thought. And its only going to cause bigger, longer term conflict. Generations of conflict. Each worse than previous generations.
We are sitting on a bombshell of society breakup. And we act like its all going to blow over.
It's not. And I wouldn't let the Vikings play anywhere near it.
Realistically, I KNOW things can't change. Political parties have been playing groups of people off one other for millennia. You see, if you're poor, it's the rich person's fault. You need to take more of their money to be happy. If you're black, it's the white people's fault. You need to take something from them to achieve societal balance. If you're Muslim, it's the Jews fault, or the Christians, or...
The list goes on and on. You see, that's what humans do. We don't live in a Star Trek society. We don't evolve past are baser, seedier roots. In reality we just get better at playing each other off one another. That's how political leaders get their power. That's how the truly successful political leaders KEEP their power. Especially when you have political pawns like Colin Kaepernick unwittingly doing their masters bidding. People aren't naturally good. They never have been. They never will be. When someone achieves a level of success or power you see that. Most demonstrate it all along.
You've heard the saying, "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely."
In reality, we are all corrupt. The more power we possess, the more it shows.
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