Monday, April 16, 2012


The Twins lost again yesterday. Much as good teams manage to win more than they lose throughout the season, bad teams manage to lose. Perkins looked like the pitcher of two seasons ago when he ended giving up three runs in the eighth. Nathan picked up the save, but since he's on the OTHER team now, that really didn't help.

Bright spots? (I'm going to TRY and find one of those even in a loss.) Hendricks pitched great in his first start and Clete Thomas hit a homerun in his first game as a Twin.

I said I wasn't going to dwell on losses with this new blog and I am going to try to do that.

I've recently re-discovered that playing basketball in way more fun than watching basketball at any level, high school, college, or pro. In fact there is no comparison.

The unseasonably great weather we've had lately has made it possible for me to play pick up games in the park several days a week. Saturday alone I ended up playing for over three hours straight. That kind of intense play does have it's drawbacks when you are in your 50's though. When I woke up yesterday, both my back and my knee would not bend properly.

As the day progressed, everything loosened up quite nicely. There's very few things in life that I actually enjoy doing for three hours non-stop. I guess I found out basketball is now one of them.

How good am I? Let's say as an athlete I've never gotten better than adequate. But competing at any level beats sitting home and watching your favorite baseball team lose on television.

I'm looking forward to more basketball as the weather warms up again in a few days.

Did I mention the Twins will be playing at the Yankees the next four games? I'm hoping that the weather warms up real fast. I'm going to need to play more basketball to avoid those games.

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