Thursday, November 15, 2012


I have no idea when this started, but it's starting to be the worst thing that so-called "journalists" can do.

WHY are professional athletes allowed to give ANONYMOUS OPINIONS to sports writers, and WHO allows these writers to REPORT and PRINT these anonymous quotes, and why do OTHER news organizations then repeat these quotes as if they are legit news?

The latest? An unnamed Jets player has been quoted as saying Tim Tebow is awful.

IF a player can't put his name to his opinion, he shouldn't say it, at the very least, it shouldn't be reported. If a reporter uses this quote he should be fired from whatever rag he works for, and any editors involved, who allowed the anonymous quote to be used as a story, should be suspended without pay for at least a month.

This whole illicit process is made up of weasels and cowards. Tim Tebow may very well be awful, but if you truly believe that, at least say it like a man and put YOUR name on the quote.

Coach Ryan, who I don't like and never have liked, is now forced into the impossible situation of fixing this ridiculously stupid situation.

AND "reporters" who report this carp (yes, I spelled that word wrong) should be standing in the unemployment line. Rumors are not facts. ONE player is not a source, and these people aren't "whistleblowers" who are trying to fix major conspiracies that are threatening the safety and lives of workers. It could very well be coming from a player who merely holds a grudge against the organization, or the entire quote may actually be fabricated. IF others can't verify the quote by going to the source, it is not in any way legit and it should not be used as part of a story.

These people are jerks who are hiding behind first amendment privilege to get hits on their websites.

EDITORS are the only ones who can stop this type of nonsense. IF I were the Jets, I would not let any reporters from the "news" organization  that reported this story to have official contact with any of their players until both the writer and editor of the story are FIRED. And other pro sports organizations should follow suit. Stop the idiots dead in their tracks.

It's time to set a precedent. It's past time.

In America, you have the right to free speech, but you also have the responsibility to let people know it was YOU who said it. Freedom is a two-way street.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this. The line has been blurred into non-existence from opinion and rumor to real journalism without a slant. Integrity is a thing of the past and quality editor safeguards don't happen enough. Bloggers think they are journalists and "journalists" now write like bloggers with big egos.
