Friday, July 26, 2013

Correia Clobbered, Let's Talk Vikings Instead

I didn't mention training camp opening YESTERDAY because nothing really HAPPENS on the first day.

Players arrive.

That's it.

But today is different. Today practices start, even if they are basic walkthoughs, players will be on the field. The weather the next few days should be pretty cooperative as well. Last year when we went to the workouts it was so hot that it wasn't even pleasant to sit and watch them. The next few days the temperatures are suppose to be incredibly cool. Around 70 today, maybe as low as a record 48 tonight, the players should have some great moving around weather.

The Vikes did sign their first three draft picks yesterday, so everything appears in order. The new union agreement stops rookies from demanding more money than established pro-bowlers so that's a step in the right direction.

Interesting football note from yesterday: Percy Harvin hurt is hip in some light practices last week. IF it's a torn labrum as suspected, he could be out a while. There's even a chance that surgery could be required and he may miss the coming season entirely.

He's Seattle's problem now.

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