Thursday, July 25, 2013

Pelfrey Outstanding, Weaver Better, Brother Best

My wife and I had the unique opportunity to "share" yesterday's game through Facebook.

My brother and his family attended yesterday's Twins game. Being from California, that makes sense. My wife and I took the day off yesterday and watched the last half of the game in one of the most enjoyable ways we have ever experienced baseball.

My brother and my wife "Facebooked" comments about the game back and forth to each other for about an hour. The Twins may have lost, but it was a great game to watch. Both Pelfrey and Weaver put on a great performance.

But spending time with my brother that way was even better.


(and say hi to everybody else out there as well.)


  1. That was really fun. I got a few bruises from the securities guys that jumped me when I ran onto the field, but other than that things went well.

    1. It was all for naught, too. They didn't show you getting tackled and hauled away...

  2. Pelfrey looked really good and stayed strong. The reliever made me a little nervous, but he got out of his situations.
