Friday, November 22, 2013


A-Rod over the last few days has got sick of baseball's treatment of him. Though most think he's clearly done something wrong, many think baseball is acting at least as irresponsibly. IF Selig would have been content with a 50 game suspension, this whole mess would probably already be over. But baseball BUYING the stolen documents, and the other records of the drug clinic in question, has left local drug enforcement officials livid. Selig, in his fervor to nail A-Rod, has impeded investigations to get the real criminals (the owners and partners of the organization.)

In effect Bud went after the junkie at the cost of letting the major supplier get away.

Johnny Football was being displaced in the minds of Heisman Trophy voters because of his off-season autograph signings. They started gravitating toward a better choice, Florida State's freshman sensation.  "Famous Jameis" was their new top pick.

Well now that allegations are being made against him a sexual assault case, everyone is distancing themselves from him as well. All the sudden Johnny Football is looking pretty good again. All I'm saying at this point is that the DNA evidence against Jameis Winston SHOULD NOT have been made public. Once again confidential results were leaked to the press illegally. I'm sick of these people getting away with this type of activity.

"Whistle Blowers" in our society are being looked at as heroes. Winston will have his day in court, but he's already been tried in the media, and will continue to have to live with the media's judgements.  The leak has now made it practically impossible to have a fair trial. "Due Process" in America is fast becoming a thing of the past. We are a society that demands quick answers with questionable media people leading the charge.  The problem is that "quick answers" often lead to wrong conclusions. And violent/heated opinions.

And justice gets lost in the process.  It's only going to get worse.

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