Thursday, December 12, 2013

Home Plate Collisions a Thing of the Past

Baseball has finally wised up. As early as this coming season, catcher's will no longer be allowed to block the plate. Likewise, runners will no longer be allowed to run catchers over. It's always been a stupid, dangerous play, and baseball is finally acknowledging that.

I remember as a kid watching Pete Rose "kill" Ray Fosse on a collission at home plate to win an All-Star game, and even then I couldn't believe baseball allowed that type of play. Fosse, one of the game's greatest, never recovered enough to play well again.

I mean, you can't block first base like that can you? Or second or third either for that matter. WHY was that kind of play allowed at home plate, anyway?

DOZENS of catchers have lost significant parts of their playing careers due to that play. Base runners have broke bones and gotten concussions from that play as well. It's dangerous, it's violent, and BASEBALL has finally said enough is enough.

Baseball is a finesse game. That play never made sense to me.

And now it's gone.

Good for baseball.

Well, MAYBE, they might not ban it until 2015. I hope nobody else gets hurt while they are deciding.

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