I guess with the Super Bowl still over a week away, sport shows and their hosts still have nothing else to talk about because this topic is still number one on social feeds worldwide.
Now, after a couple of days, people are suggesting that the balls were tampered with sometime DURING the game. Of course Bill Belichick and Tom Brady's names are coming up most. What surprises me is that the NFL says they are investigating this and yet Belichick and Brady, as of early yesterday afternoon, had not been questioned by the league yet. Two points come to mind:
The game was almost a week ago.
The leading suspects have not been questioned.
Look, IF the league suspects tampering, only a small group of people would possibly have had reason to do it, and just as small a group of people would have been able to carry out the task. We're talking Brady, Belechick, an equipment manager or two, and the ball boy.
And only Tom Brady would receive the greatest benefit.
That's it. Now I'm not trying to play armchair detective here, but IF Brady has not been questioned, but HAS denied any involvement at a press conference, I'm thinking the league is either looking in a different direction OR is thinking something else happened to the balls during the game. I don't know what that would be.
The only other thing they could be doing is reviewing every inch and every angle of game film footage looking for evidence of somebody tampering...
duh, duh, DAH!!! (Say those musically in you head like your watching an old murder mystery melodrama.)
They'll discover the refs didn't check them very carefully BEFORE the game.
Truthfully, no average fan, or sports reporter knows how well the procedures to check balls are carried out before, during or after the game. Matt Hasslbeck, a quarterback on several teams for many years, was quoted as saying it was his job as quarterback to check the ball pressure. He didn't go into the specifics though. I can't believe that the highest paid player on the team takes the time to check the ball pressure of every single game ball just before the game, however. He's got more important things to do.
I seriously doubt that an equipment manager would try to GUESS how much a ball should be inflated or deflated for his quarterback either. And the ball boy? Let's get real here.
This has went on long enough. I think the NFL, unless they REALLY are close to confirming something, should simply issue a statement, as soon as possible, and say no evidence of any tampering exists. It's a controversy that should die immediately. It's hurting the game. There's a Super Bowl in a little over a week and all people are talking about are how New England, somehow, cheated.
The biggest conspiracy is how long the league keeps things like this secret. Just admit that they need better procedures to keep the balls uniform for the game and quietly suggest that all the officials will work on those procedures, which then will be in place next season. Look at it as an oversight rather than wrong doing, and start concentrating on one of the best Super Bowl match-ups in history.
It's the greatest single event in sports and we're all talking about a slightly deflated ball.
That's just ridiculous.
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