I was really surprised how much reporters and commentators continued to discuss this controversy yesterday.
I'll offer some real solutions to the "problem."
1) Instead of each team having their own sack of approved balls, ALL balls provided by each team should be thrown together in one big sack. That way any given ball has no real advantage for either team. In baseball, the umpires control the supply of balls used. It CAN'T be that much harder for football to do the same.
The end.
I should add that IF New England tampered with the balls is some way AFTER the officials approved them, they should be punished somehow, but I don't hear anybody saying that happened. As I understand it, the league gives these balls to the team to practice with during the week and then they submit the balls that they like. They KNOW the officials are the ones who check the pressure and weight of the balls before the game, and again, as far as I can tell it shouldn't matter if the team inflates or deflates them ahead of time because the officials do the final check to ensure quality. At least they are SUPPOSED to.
If the balls submitted were deflated (naturally or otherwise), and the officials didn't notice, where does the fault lie? Someone (the officials) clearly weren't doing their job. I mean, if you have time to check them after the game to find out that 11 out of 12 were deflated, you should have known that BEFORE the game with your check as well. Right?
I like Seattle's take on the matter. They laughed the whole thing off as if it didn't matter one iota. I'm starting to like Seattle in spite of myself. Of course that could mean they've been doing the same thing themselves knowing that the refs never check the balls that closely.
I sure would hate to be the field goal kicker of the Patriots. If the balls he is forced to use are always deflated, he wouldn't be making as many kicks, or having as many successful long kicks, or having as many deep kick offs as his counterparts on the opposing team. A deflated ball can clearly HURT the team using them as well. I don't hear many "experts" mentioning that fact though.
One way or the other, you'll probably be having at least 75% of the country rooting for Seattle now. They want to see that always cheating Belichick and that no good Patriot team get what's coming to them.
Me? I still dislike Settle's Sherman. I'll be rooting for my Patriots.
Unless they did figure out someway to deflate the balls after they were approved.
That would not be cool.
Go Patriots!!!