Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Call

I can't believe how much discussion was going on yesterday about the flag late in the game against Dallas that was originally called pass interference, and then ruled a no-call.

If you can have football players and officials explain why taking the flag up and not penalizing Dallas WAS the right call, that should be the end of it.

Even Detroit coach Caldwell is saying it was "tough to swallow." Let me get this straight, your team had LOTS of opportunities in that game against Dallas that your team failed to execute properly and you're now blaming an IFFY official judgement call for losing the game? Even if the call had went your way, you probably would have only TIED the game at that point. There's no guarantee you would have won.

It's not like the refs blew the call. The vast majority of fans and commentators who KNOW the game said it wasn't a penalty, and even watching in slow motion the evidence suggests that.

I love that the refs didn't let a phantom iffy call determine the game. They learned  a lot since the Vikings were ripped off against New Orleans these many moons ago. THAT bad call literally lost the game for the Vikings, while they also allowed the bounty collecting headhunter Saints to hit Favre often and late time after time without flags.

Not making a call here WAS the right decision. There was light contact both ways and the ball was under thrown. There's a reason that the Lions haven't won a playoff game since 1992 and it's NOT the refs fault.

The Lions just aren't very good. Caldwell should look in the mirror and point his finger in THAT direction. That would be a good start.

A BAD ref call should be discussed. This one doesn't fit that classification.

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