Monday, July 20, 2015

The Legend of Korra

I really don't want to talk sports today. After that loss yesterday, I might want to take a break from sports for awhile.

Instead, I'll talk about something I really enjoy. The Legend of Korra was a Nickelodeon animated series that ran for four seasons and ended early last year. My wife and I finally got around to finishing the series yesterday afternoon as an alternative to watching that awful game.

We still BUY TV shows and movies we truly enjoy rather than renting them or having Netflix, but we almost always wait until they are on sale, so it sometimes takes us awhile to get the ones we want to see. IF I had bought the series when it first came out, it would have cost me about $130. I patiently waited and bought each set as it went on same at Apple iTunes. We ended up getting all 52 episodes for about $1 each that way.

But I'm not here to tell you about my buying habits, I'm here to tell you how good the series is. The animation is top notch, by far the best animation ever done for an animated TV show. At times it rivaled even the best animation seen in movies from Disney.

The LOOK of the show is amazing, with settings combining a 1930's science fiction feel. And the stories are not your typical kids fare. Socialism, Nazi Facism, and political fanaticism, and intrigue are at the heart of involved plot lines. Kids won't know this, of course, but older adults will see the care the writers took to involve more than your usual skin-deep villains. If I'd compare the stories to anything, I'd say they are like the better Marvel movies, with more humor,

In short, the best animated show ever done. One of the best television shows, period. And since it was done FOR kids, you can actually watch it WITH your kids!

Even if for some reason you don't like it much, it was way better than yesterday's Twins game.

You'll have to trust me on that.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... hadn't heard of it. Just went to Youtube and watched a bit. I'm impressed.
