Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wild Win

I turned the game on just after the Wild scored their first goal, so I missed it. I left the room just before the end of the first period and when I came back I found out they had scored again.

I hate hockey. There's no rhyme or reason to the scoring.

In football, you have long drives and you can enjoy the build-up for the score. When the other team is on offense, you can usually take a quick break knowing your team isn't going to score while you are gone.

In baseball, it's a gradual loading of the bases with the occasional homerun,  and you know your team isn't going to score while the other team is batting. Constant viewing isn't necessary.

Hockey is like waiting for water to boil. You can watch it closely, intently for 10 minutes and nothing happens. You turn to ask a question and you missed the boiling point.

Except that with hockey, no matter how closely you watch, you don't even KNOW if the water is going to boil. You might end up watching it for hours with no bubbles at all.

I'm guessing most people who watch hockey miss most of the goals. They won't admit it, but they aren't watching when someone scores either.

I reiterate. I hate hockey.

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