Notre Dame's Manti Te'o got caught up with a fake girlfriend from the internet while playing there his senior year.
Guess what? Another similar case has surfaced. Chris Anderson of the Miami Heat was finally cleared of all charges after it was discovered that his internet "girlfriend" was also pretending to be a threatening Anderson.
Say what?
This woman, Shelly Lynn Charteir from Manitoba , Canada, actually made threatening e-mails to herself pretending she was Anderson so that she could extort money from him. She also set up fake Facebook and Twitter accounts pretending to be a threatening Anderson. Anderson was then reported to the police by Chartier to be investigated for threatening his fake girl friend because of his unwillingness to pay extortion money to her.
For 15 months, Anderson has been living in fear that he'd lose his NBA job and reputation because of this incredibly complicated blackmail scheme.
The Canadian authorities finally put all of the details together and figured out that Anderson was the victim of terrible hoax. The whole scheme unraveled when it was discovered that his computer's I.P address did not match that of the the person who was supposedly threatening her.
He lost his job with the Denver Nuggets last year because of the incident and is relieved that the whole ordeal is finally over.
The real loser in all of this? Manti Te'o.
Every time fake internet girlfriend stories like this come out, people will now always say the guy got Te'o'd.
I said this once before, and it bears repeating.
IF you have a girlfriend, make sure she's real. It will save you a lot of embarrassment in the long run.
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