Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Vikings Stadium Proposal

Just when everyone else was ready to vote for the old one. Just when everyone else was ready to go home for the season.



  1. Just makes you feel good knowing that the people in our government have everything under control, huh?

  2. Just imagine all the things that government does every single day at city, state. and federal levels.

    And they really don't know WHY they are doing what they do or how it will effect everyone.

    They should actually put a moratorium on law-making for three years and just plan budgets. And the budgets can never be more than they have now (plus inflation.)

    OR if they add something NEW they have to reduce somewhere else. Just like real people who have to be responsible with their own household budgets.

  3. Exactly! How in the world can anyone think up anymore laws that are even remotely useful? Every January I laugh at all the new laws that are passed and think how much time was wasted and how much money was spent to keep this stupid process going.
