ALL but one of the top 20 teams that played yesterday won their games. That would seem to indicate that when the top teams play their best that they will win. The polls ARE a good indication of who are the tops teams. Upsets are great, but in the long run, the best teams consistently win, and the pollsters have got those teams ranked pretty well.
The one team that lost? Number seven South Carolina got clubbed by number TWO Florida., which is the way it should be. Alabama and Florida ARE the top two teams in the country and they are playing like it. Unless a major upset occurs in the next few weeks, those teams will play for the National Championship. At this point BOTH deserve it. They are destroying opponents, not just winning.
Am I still hoping one or both get upset before the end of the season? Of course. That's why I watch. That's what makes college football exciting even if you have a lousy home team.
It's a sudden death playoff that runs all season long. You just can't make that system any better.
They'll make it WORSE in a couple of seasons when they add a post-season playoff, but for now college football is still the best.
Well, except for PRO football of course. No one will ever beat that.
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