Monday, October 22, 2012

Giants Win

I can't tell you why I'm rooting for the San Francisco Giants to make it to the World Series, I just know that I am. I guess I like the idea that they they were down three games to one in their series to the Cardinals and that they've come all the way back to force a game seven.

I know it's former Twin, Kyle Loshe, pitching for the Cardinals too, but I'm still rooting for San Fran. The nice thing? IF Loshe has a great game for the Cards and St. Louis wins, I'll still be pretty happy. At this point, I'm just glad the series is going 7 games.

Better? Between WWE Raw, Monday Night Football, and baseball I can totally avoid that third Presidential debate tonight. I've had enough politics and political ads to last a life-time. I would like to think that most people would vote for candidates based on their philosophies and record and not how well they yell at their opponent.

America is in crisis. If people don't see that, America is lost.

Sadly, I don't think most people see that. Worse? It's possible that it's already too late for either candidate to do something about it, even if they did everything right for the next four years. 16 trillion dollars worth of debt will handicap or destroy future generations and any real chance of their financial success.

The most compelling stat that I've read recently is the scariest of all. IF you took ALL the wealth of the richest 10% of the people in the world. ALL OF IT. And redistributed it to the remaining 90%, every man woman and child on earth would receive $12,000. Many people in Africa would be celebrating that amount, but in America it wouldn't even pay 25% of the $50,000 each American now owes as their share of the debt.

And once you stole ALL of the rich peoples wealth, their would be no other real source of income to pay for ANY government programs, (now or in the future) let alone pay off the debt. Re-distributing wealth will not/cannot work. Even rich people do not have enough money to fix this problem. Continuing to increase both  taxing on them while spending more only delays the inevitable total collapse of the entire world economy.

Government is too big. It needs to spend less. Not just a little less, but a lot less, and it still has to set money aside to pay off the $16 trillion dollar debt. The interest on the debt alone is more money than our entire government budget was a generation ago. These things go up exponentially not arithmetically. It's possible that our interest on the national debt in as little as 10 years will be bigger than our current government budget.

Think about that last sentence. That means we will have to tax everyone TWICE as much in ten years just to stay even with where we are at right now. But in an economy like that, 25% unemployment is not out of the question. And 25% will just be the starting point. Those who can find work will have to pay many more taxes as a result.

I hate doom and gloom predictions as much as the next person, but the laws of economics mean more than politicians and their broken promises. DEBT will kill this country. It's just a matter of time. I might have the years wrong, but the end result will be the same. This debt has to be dealt with. NOW.

There is a point of no return, also called a tipping point. It's the point where there is no viable solution to a problem and the problem simply cannot be fixed.  Some major economists already think we've passed this point.  I hope not. Otherwise it's already all over. We just won't see its full effect in our lifetime. It's our kids that will be forced to live the nightmare and every single generation after that.


  1. That $16 trillion should be the driving force for people to go and vote, but it's only a number to most people... and nothing else.

  2. To vote, people should at least be able to figure out how many zeroes are in that number. If they can't answer it correctly, they shouldn't be allowed to to vote.
