Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ponderous Offense Returns as Predicted

As I suggested/predicted earlier today, the Vikings defense would be outmatched by RG3 AND that Christian Ponder's luck would run out. We needed a "near flawless" game and what we got wash washed up Christian Ponder.

I forgot to mention that we'd be too willing to settle for field goals early and that would kill any chance we had at a win today.

But I've said that often enough in the past so I hope you'll forgive me.

My Packers battle impossible odds tonight and  I'm still pumped. The first few weeks of the season were merely an illusion. The Vikings are an awful team and the Pack, MY PACK is ready for their championship run. It all starts today.

OH, and the Yankees lost today PARTLY because professional umps missed a HUGE call. It's time for instant replay in MLB. Championships are decided by officials more than players or teams. That's MY MOTTO and I'm sticking to it.

But at least it happened to the Yankees so I'm still smiling.


  1. As I type this my second team the Texans are losing.
    Yeah, the Vikes are better than last year but they're just average. Ponder isn't very good.

    They can still win any game this season. They still have some very good players. Can you imagine what the Vikes would look like this year with RG3? I'm not sure any team could beat them.

  2. The Vikings are better, but without a good QB, they are just going to gradually sink to the bottom of the division again. I'm still waiting to see Joe Webb used by the Vikes like RG3 is used by the Redskins.

    IF he's not good enough to be the regular starting QB then stop the QB experiment NOW and get him in the game like an extra Percy or an extra Adrian on every play they can manage. That much athleticism should NOT be sitting on the bench. That RG3 TD run yesterday is what Webb is capable of on every play. We've all seen it.
