Monday, January 6, 2014

Recreational Drug Use

Twin's prospect Eddie Rosario was suspended for 50 days for recreational drug use. You have to fail TWO tests to get suspended in that area. It's not a performance enhancer.

From what I found out, it wasn't marijuana either. He took pain pills to help him with a wrist injury earlier last year. And when he suffered some back pain he started taking those same pills for his back without an additional prescription. It's possible that he's now hooked on them and finding an illegal source to get more. All of this is speculation. IF it's an addiction, they should treat it like alcohol abuse and provide treatment.

This got me wondering, players are regularly tested for recreational drug use and performance enhancers. That would include marijuana. I wonder if all the Colorado Rockies would be exempt from that part now? OR if all players who recently visited Colorado would be exempt now? In Colorado, marijuana use is now legal. It's like buying beer.

Since last week, marijuana use in the state is at an all-time high. Just like Colorado natives.

rim shot

I'll be here all week.

Rocky Mountain high, in Colorado. -John Denver

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