Friday, August 24, 2012

Lance Arnstrong

Lance Armstrong has passed every drug test he was ever administered. Every single one.

The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency started a witch-hunt of accusations (that he somehow cheated) years ago with absolutely no proof offered of such charges.

The USADA offered Armstrong an arbitration process "to prove his innocence" and Armstrong who officially retired from competitive cycling last year, turned them down saying he wasn't interested in wasting any more of his time fighting these unfounded charges.

The USADA took his declining of the process as "an admission of guilt" and will now start the procedure that will strip him of all 7 of his Tour de France titles and his 2000 bronze Olympic medal.

I'm sick of all of this. He either did cheat or he didn't. There is either proof or their isn't. An arbitration process should have nothing to do with it. Show us the conclusive evidence or leave him alone.

What a joke. Suspicions and lack of a fight may simply indicate that Lance is sick of the whole business as well.

Blood doping is a tricky business. Prove it or shut up USADA. I can't believe all the time and money wasted on this stupidity. At the the expense of a man's reputation.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. The USADA has too much power and too much money and it wields both way too casually in a society that wishes to remain indifferent.

We live in scary times and it's just going to get scarier.

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