Monday, September 17, 2012

Vikes Tied For First

This is probably the last time I'll be able to use that headline this season.

I did watch a lot of football yesterday even with the Vikings losing.I'm guessing that means TWO things, 1) I like football and 2) I really don't care about the Vikes like I used to.

I still like upsets and yesterday there were a ton of them. The Cowboys got killed by the rookie QB in Seattle. Arizona squeaked by the Patriots AT New England. Carolina surprised the Saints and Philly surprised Baltimore.

I'm still looking forward to Denver and Atlanta tonight, too.

The good side about having a losing home team is that after a while you become insensitive to them losing. I used to die a little and be grumpy for a week when the Vikings lost. Now I switch the dial and see if there's anything good on. They've just become another TV show.

And I still have my Packers to root for...


  1. I still have my second favorite team. That's any team playing the Packers. Yesterday both my teams lost.
    I can relate to not getting overly disappointed when the Vikes lose. It's become almost expected.

  2. Embrace the Dark Side Super Steve...
