Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Liriawful Returns

I'm sure hoping that was a ONE night return, because any hope the Twins have this season rests on two or three of our top starters being much better than what Francisco demonstrated last night.

Bigger news? Ichiro played in Seattle last night but he switched locker rooms just before the game. He is now a Yankee. Wow!

The biggest news yesterday? The penalties handed down to Penn State. My take: They honestly could not penalize Penn State too much in this case. The top coaches knew and said nothing. The top administrators knew and did nothing. What they did was worse than anything that could be imagined. They knew and they let it continue. That was unconscionable. Criminal charges should be sought across the board. Everyone who knew and did nothing were co-conspirators. They were accomplices. They were compliant. They were criminal.


  1. Criminal charges -- now you're talking! All the penalties of losses instead of wins mean absolutley nothing. Taking away "wins" from a dead guy? Ouch! How painful... Fines and such are in order, but ANYONE who was an accomplice should be held accountable -- period.

    The entire board and administration that knew of the situation should be fired and not allowed to work at any college again -- ever. Throw them all out and start over.

  2. So I just read online that lots of people are upset about taking the wins away. Okay, I guess that's a bigger deal than I thought it would be. Still don't understand why it IS a big deal to people, though.

  3. Paterno was THE winningest coach in the history of division one football. He also knowingly let this friend of his molest young boys on his watch. EVEN if they left him keep his wins he wouldn't be the GREATEST coach ever, he'd simply have the most wins. He'd still be a slimy gutter-dweller who had his priorities all out of whack.

    People who think his wins should matter have the same misplaced priorities.
