Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Kevin Love is not feeling the love right now and he's ready to leave the Wolves at the drop of a coin (okay several coins,)

He wants Wolves management to extend his current contract and pay him like the major superstar he is. I can't say I blame him. If you add up all of his points and rebounds the last couple of years you'll find out he leads the entire league in that total.

That means he probably IS better than anybody else in the league. His ability to rebound AND shoot threes has no precedent. He can't be compared to anyone else because no one else can do or has done what he does so well.

The Wolves have always had the lowest payroll in all of the NBA. They could easily afford to make him a top paid performer and still have one of the lowest payrolls in the league.

Basketball is different than other sports. You pay your top stars top dollars in long-term contracts because they are worth it. With only FIVE guys on the floor at a time, the best teams need a couple of major stars to be competitive. And the really good players tend to be really good players for a number of years.

In baseball and football, big stars lose their abilities rather quickly. Long-term deals with big money are less appealing. But basketball is different and players like Love are rare indeed.

Have the Wolves already offended Kevin Love beyond repair? Probably. But it sure wouldn't hurt to start kissing up to him now rather than letting it fester for the rest of the season.

For the first time in years, they are worth watching. Why screw it up now? Give him what he wants. Let's show him some love.

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